TANKS-giving in Warhammer 40K, Black Friday, Pax Unplugged 2021 Preview! - Boards & Swords #186

Chris sent a bunch of terminator marines into a grocery store mockup after a Turkey mini (I’m not kidding here), and after 2 years he’s going back to a board game convention! Pax Unplugged is upon us, what do we expect?


Try, Buy, or Sigh: Pax U edition!

Email us your comments and questions at feedback@boardsandswords.com. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswords on twitter and @boardsandswordschris on instagram, while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on Twitter. This podcast is also a part of Punchboard Media. For other great board gaming shows, check out punchboardmedia.com. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?