The Dirtbags crew has hit a stopping point on Avernus, as they haven’t had as many recording sessions since the Pandemic happened. In the meantime, enjoy this batch of Outtakes from the first couple of sessions of their D&D 5th Edition campaign “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus”.
Read MoreChris played through the Rhino scenario of Marvel Champions with the newer Thor character deck and gives his thoughts.
Read MoreIn this review, Chris takes a look at Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, the latest D&D setting book describing the world of the famous “Critical Role” webseries.
Read MoreChris describes his experience playing through the first part of “The Circle Undone” campaign for Arkham Horror: the Card Game from Fantasy Flight Games.
Read MoreChris got a new camera! So he decided to take it for a spin and do a vlog. He also goes behind the scenes and shows what it takes to get setup for an episode of Boards & Swords!
Read MoreWhy would you hit someone in the wrist? That’s so inconsiderate. Find out as the crew continues the D&D 5th Edition campaign “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus”.
Read MoreChris takes a look at Wrath of N’kai, an upcoming novel from Aconyte Books set in the Arkham Horror universe. To help the review, he created some custom Arkham Horror the Card Game cards using the theme of the book.
Read MoreCollin and Cindy test out a “couples cast” style of episode where they talk about Costa Ruana, Ragusa, and what gaming is like in their household.
Read MoreChris begins tracking his Arkham Horror: the Card Game plays again, this time jumping into a new campaign: The Circle Undone!
Read MoreChris reviews The Summit of Kings, an adventure set in the Afropunk world of Swordsfall.
Read MoreThe group has descended into…..a sewer beneath the bathhouse! No, really. I guess that might be hell for someone? Anyway, let’s see if our group finds any other information about the Cult of the Dead Three as we continue the D&D 5th Edition campaign “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus”.
Read MoreThe group gets pretty philosophical about the definition of a cult…while they try and investigate a bathhouse rumored to be the hideout of the Cult of the Dead Three as we continue the D&D 5th Edition campaign “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus”.
Read MoreEhhhh I’m pretty sure I can. Let’s see if the group managed to get through their first fight without major casualties as we continue the D&D 5th Edition campaign “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus”.
Read MoreIt’s been over a year, but Chris finally got around to trying out the board game Wingspan from Stonemaier Games. Meanwhile, Collin and Cindy have been carefully making gardens in Miyabi from HABA. Plus, more news bits, some insight into some RPGs that have happened, and more!
Read MoreChris just recently finished playing through the Path to Carcosa campaign in the Arkham Horror card game. Join as he and Ken from Geek Craft talk about this campaign and all the quirks, twists, and turns there are. Clips from a stream on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. (Note: some small skips as the stream went in and out a couple of times). #boardgames #arkhamhorror
Read MoreTaken from episode 146 of the Boards & Swords podcast, Chris reviews My Little Scythe, a board game inspired by the popular Stonemaier Game Scythe, but with a theme and mechanics that would appeal to children.
Read MoreTaken from the Boards & Swords podcast, episode 146, Collin and Cindy talk about the science based set collection game Ion from Genius Games.
Read MoreTaken from episode 143 of Boards and Swords, Chris talks about the cat themed roll & write board game Cat Cafe from Alley Cat Games.
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