I've learned over the past few days that writing TV recaps is hard when you start with season finales. Every single one I want to say "Wow! What an episode!", but that seems to diminish the future recaps. I find that to be especially true this week, as I saw probably the best hour of television (Daredevil aside) that I had seen in a while, and that was The Flash season finale. Honestly, this is the part where I would throw up "SPOILERS AHEAD" and move right into the review...
...Except that I can't. Last night's episode was so amazing and gut wrenching that I really do not want to spoil anything for anyone. So this review will be fairly light and spoiler free. First of all, I've never had a show play with my emotions as much as this episode did. There were times I was cheering at the screen, times I couldn't keep myself from yelling out "NO!!!!", in addition to times where I was thoroughly confused.