Obsessive Comics Disorder #48: "We've Got Tone....And It's Gone"
Obsessive Comics Disorder #45: "If You Are Going To Build A Robot, Why Not Do It With Some Style!"
Obsessive Comics Disorder, PodcastsChris RenshawC-MAX Solar, DARPA, Iron Man Suit, Kindle, Mario Bros-, NASA Valkyrie, Nintendo 3DS, Skynet, Star Trek, Star Wars, Super Mario, X-Wing, Zelda
Relative Dimensions #35: "We're Bringing It Back Now, Geek Talk Style"
Obsessive Comics Disorder, PodcastsChris RenshawKindle, Munchkin, Munchkin Legends, Pokemon, Sins of a Solar Empire, SJ Games, Star Trek, Star Trek Attack Wing, Star Trek Online, Steve Jackson Games, STO
Relative Dimensions #33: "Achievement Unlocked - Two Shows In A Row!"
Obsessive Comics Disorder, PodcastsChris RenshawBlizzard, Pet Battles, Pokemon, Star Trek, Star Trek Online, STO, Titan, World of Warcraft, WoW
Relative Dimensions #32: "Remembering Our Troops....And How To Podcast"
Obsessive Comics Disorder, PodcastsChris RenshawBlizzard, Defiance, Legacy of Romulus, Rift, Star Trek, Star Trek Online, STO, Trion, World of Warcraft, WoW, Xbox, Xbox One
Relative Dimensions #26: "A Fitness MMO? Isn't That Called A Gym?"
Obsessive Comics Disorder, PodcastsChris RenshawCCP, Fitness, G4, MMO, Star Trek, Star Trek Online, Steam, STO, The Secret World, The Walking Dead, World of Warcraft, WoW
The Adventures of Chloe #5: "That's Geek Worthy"
Relative Dimensions #8: "A Star Trek Surprise"
Relative Dimensions #4: "The Walking Super Valentines Dead"
Obsessive Comics Disorder #46: "Previews: It's Mark's First"
Obsessive Comics Disorder #42: "There's Something Strange In These Comic Previews"
Relative Dimensions #4: "Green Lantern -- Brightest Day or Blackest Night?"