Scarf Down Some Delightful Dice? June 27th, 2024 Crowdfunding Roundup

Does your inbox fill up every Tuesday with Kickstarter emails? Well, mine does - so I decided to start writing my thoughts on new tabletop gaming Kickstarters every week. Keep in mind, most of these thoughts are based on initial impressions and looking at the Kickstarter video.

This week has a few campaigns that I’m seriously considering backing, so this is your last chance to look away before you get tempted as well. Still here? Ok, then let’s get started:

Dice Bites: Colection of Molds for RPG-Dice Treats & Crafts

Using a hammer to smash dice in the beginning of your video is definitely one way to get my attention! Also, I was just talking to a friend about having edible dice a couple of days ago, and yet here this campaign is. Dice Bites is funding a couple of different molds - one set for edibles (not those kind…or maybe so?) and one set for craft/non-edible uses. Each set is going for $66, with the MSRP later to be $119. For that price, that’s a tasty change of fate, or I guess for “boring” things like candles and bath bombs (jk).

Kobolds on Strike

These Kobolds are tired of working (and dying) in these dungeons for little, if any pay - they’re going on Strike! For $3, this 5e compatible adventure has players take the role of striking Kobolds trying to get others to lay down their weapons and demand to be treated better. The little bits of artwork on the campaign page look super cool, so I might be throwing down some money for this adventure myself. It seems like it’d be great for a random one-off RPG night when not everyone can make it.

Revolutionary RPG Spell Stat Tracker and D&D Game Accessory

Is that technically cannibalism in the first 60 seconds? Achievement unlocked I guess? Monster Gaming, famous for a variety of tabletop gaming products, is back with their new spell tracker. I’ve seen a bunch of similar trackers that attempt to accomplish the same thing, but this one is fairly simple. A set of dials for each spell level lets you keep track of how many spells you have left compared to your maximum. Unlike some of the other versions I’ve seen, this one is only $25, and comes with a plastic cover to “hold your place” in between gaming sessions. The Kickstarter video showcases it fitting with some of their other RPG accessories, and crap now I want to look at those also.

Piri Piri Summoners: Handcrafted Wooden Meeple Strategy Game

A card game for $56 normally would be outrageous, but Piri Piri Summoners seeks to suck me in with adorable handcrafted wooden meeples (can I still say that?). The gameplay seems to revolve around playing cards and moving your meeples along the cards until you score. I do love that in the Kickstarter video, the creators make a point of talking about how you can use the game not just as a game, but as cute decorations for your house. Sounds like a gimmick, but if you look at the way it sits on a desk, it does look like the kind of thing you’d see in a store and buy to sit on a coffee table or something. In essence, you’re really playing $56 for the cool table decorations and get a card game as a bonus!

Blood★Bowl Mania

Blood Bowl is a minis game that has been around forever. I’ve even heard one streamer claim that its the most popular minis game when it comes to tournaments. However, official Blood Bowl releases from GW are pretty few and far between. Plus, there was a period of 10-15+ years where GW didn’t even publish anything for Blood Bowl, so the community has gotten used to using other minis for this game. This campaign is for a subscription where you can get STL files for a new Blood Bowl “Star Player” - or character with special abilities, every month. Then, every six months you can get files for a whole team. The monthly fee looks to be $5 but the Kickstarter gets you 3 months free with a few minis to start for $11. The campaign has a long way to go, but the example Star Players they show on the Kickstarter page look FANTASTIC. If you are someone that plays a lot of Blood Bowl, and are willing to use 3rd Party minis, then you should check out this campaign.

Note: I generally assume I know nothing. So if I've missed something, let me know in the comments. Or let me know on Twitter or Facebook. If you like these types of posts, consider subscribing to our patreon.