It’s Time for the Terminators: Grey Knights vs. Aeldari

Last time, I started to finally realize that maybe my Grey Knights list for our escalation league wasn't that great and needed to change. So what should I change to? We are still at 500 points for another week, so there's not *a lot* of options I could do. The dreadknight was staying in, there was no doubt about that. Since Grand Master Voldus takes up a lot of points, I decided to swap him out for a Brotherhood Chaplain. This way I could gain access to the Litanies that chaplains get. With the remaining points, I decided to go with a Terminator squad. Terminators are probably my favorite units in all of Grey Knights, I love them so much. So here we go, a whole new list to try out:

Round 4: Grey Knights vs. Aeldari

We have a lot of Aeldari players in this league compared to the last one. That's probably because they just got a new codex. Regardless, it's another army I know nothing about - I had played against Harlequins last league and I *hated* it. I had heard the rest of Aeldari isn't as bad, but I was still a bit nervous. Plus, the player playing the Aeldari had played Grey Knights a lot as well, so I was facing someone who probably knew my army better than I did.

For our mission, the piece that made everything different is that it wanted us to put our Warlords in the center objective point. Each round that we did that, the warlord would score additional points in addition to the standard scores for holding objective markers. My opponent's army consisted of his warlord, a unit of troops, a stationary gun, and a unit of flyers that would swoop in and disappear.

Everyone to the center

Again, I decide to teleport the dreadknight. This time, however, I port him to the center to try and grab that point and start whittling down enemies there. Also, he makes for a good target for the enemy to lock onto while I use my other guys to move into position. The gun in the back looks really nasty, but it is hard for me to get to while also staying on the objective. Plus, I figure if I can whittle down the basic troops over to my left, then that's less things he can hit me with.

It hits the fan

Another game where a couple more in between pictures probably would have been helpful. Long story short, the dreadknight and terminators managed to get to the center and start killing off the basic units. However, the standing gun and the flurry of winged….thingyies were able to easily overwhelm them. I *did* manage to get my Chaplain to the center, so I scored some big points for the match. Here's the image right before I conceded the match.

What did I learn?

  1. With the shear number of models and how maneuverable they were, the fliers should have been priority. Chances are, they probably would have been easy to take down but it was hard to get to them. Clearly, a situation where teleporting would have been an ideal strategy.

  2. I'm about 3 weeks behind on writing these posts, which means it is not until next week that these "lessons learned" actually have a chance to get learned.

  3. Thank GOD we are done with Combat Patrol. I suck at making lists and I need more units.

Do you like small combat patrol sized games? Let me know in the comments, or on Twitter/Facebook.