Obsessive Comics Disorder #54: "I'm A Superhero, Not A Doctor"

This week, Mark joins us again for some fun and we start a new segment - the OCD top 3!  You guys get to play at home with this one by sending us the funniest things you'd never hear Batman say and using the hashtag #ocdtop3.  We'll read the best ones on next week's show.

This Week In Gotham




Current Obsessions

Chris:  @midnight, infinite crisis, the Wil Wheaton project

Philip:  Tons of Netflix

Mark:  Hearthstone

Blog Post Mad Libs

Top 3: Things You'd Never Hear Batman Say

Letter From A Douchebag Editor


If you'd like to comment or contribute to the show, send us an email at 


.  You can also talk to us online, I'm @ChrisTheProf on twitter and Philip is 


  You can also follow us on facebook at facebook.com/obsessivecomicsdisorder.  The background music in this episode was composed by Andrew Allen and can be found on his CD's "Free Play" and "Smooth Federation" - thanks for letting us play them on the show!  Check out ocdcast.com for other great stuff, including my tabletop gaming podcast "Boards & Swords".