5 People That Should Not See World War Z

After the different approach that I took to the Man of Steel review, I thought I would continue that trend by talking about other movies as I see them. This review is a little late, but after the break we will talk about World War Z, the recent movie based off of the book by Max Brooks.

1) People who hate Zombies

This one is obvious, but I felt like we should go ahead and get this out of the way: World War Z is a zombie movie. In it, Brad Pitt's character and his family suddenly find themselves in the middle of a zombie outbreak. They have to fight their way to survival, and then Brad Pitt gets tasked by the governments remaining to figure out what the heck is going on. If that bit alone turns you off, you might want to skip the rest of the review and the movie as well.

2) People upset that the movie is different than the book

Disclaimer: I have not read the book. My wife has read most of it so any comparisons are based on what she has read.

When this movie first came out, all I heard on the Internet were people talking about how the movie didnt match the book. This is true, but from what I've been told, it would have been hard to make a mass-market movie based on the content in the book. If you were one of the people ticked off at this notion, don't bother seeing the movie. One way or another, your pre-determined mind will find a way to hate it. Now, if you have read the book and are fairly open minded, go see the movie. You'll be pretty well entertained and will spot tons of references that the oblivious person next to you won't get. It's like watching a comic book movie: it's not always the same story you read, but there will be tidbits and Easter eggs that only you will pick up.

3) People that couldn't stomach The Walking Dead (also, small children)

This movie is intense. It's rated PG-13, but there some R rated horror movies that are not as freaky as this movie. Unlike the walking dead, there isn't as much graphic detail shown, but what is shown and the shots used will scare the pants off of people who aren't as tolerant of horror movies (i.e. me). Do not bring small children to this movie, as you won't be able to get them to sleep anytime soon. Shoot, I'm 27 and I wanted to wait a couple of hours before going to bed to put some space between myself and the movie.

4) People that don't want to rethink their zombie escape plans

On long car rides, or anytime that we want to kill a few minutes, my wife and I will talk about our plans for surviving the zombie apocalypse. We've thought up scenarios to protect our house, places to avoid if we get caught away from home, etc. Part of the reason I was creeped out was the way they shot the zombies and tried to scare the audience. The other reason was because I knew my wife and I were going to have scrap most of those plans and start over. The way that the movie presents the zombie apocalypse makes you realize more that in an outbreak, you have 2 things to fend off: zombies and other people trying to survive. It brings a whole new perspective to the zombie genre.

5) People that hate a good movie

Hey what do you know? The same people that were on my Man of Steel review. I really liked this movie. As I said above, it brings something new to the zombie genre and I really appreciated that. It is definitely a movie that I will be thinking about for awhile.

Are you one of these people? If not, go check out the movie and let me know what you think.