Obsessive Comics Disorder #31: "The Summer of Superfans"

This episode we get to talking about some great stuff that we have going on this summer, which we're dubbing "Project Superfan". Financial troubles are going to keep me (Chris) from attending this year's Nerdtacular and getting the chance to record a face to face OCD with Cathi--unless you help! Listen on as we talk about how you can help, or head on over to http://ocdcast.com/superfan. Once again, thanks to MapHook (http://www.maphook.com) for sponsoring this episode!

Digital Ink: Chris: Gotham Central #1 (Free, DC Comics App) Cathi: Evil, Inc. (http://evil-comic.com/archive/20050530.html)

Comics in Motion: Surrogates

Off The Shelf: Pick o' the Week: (Cathi) Unwritten #24 (Chris) The Flash #10 Batman and Robin #22

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #157 Ultimate Comics Avengers vs. New Ultimates #3 Amazing Spider-Man #658

Journey into Mystery: Fear Itself. Interesting Loki story. The Intrepids #2. Hellboy #53.

Phone Number: (260) 782-4623 / (260) 782-4OCD Email: ocdcast@gmail.com Website: ocdcast.com iOS/Android App, search iTunes/Google Marketplace for “Obsessive Comics Disorder” twitter.com/ChrisTheProf twitter.com/cathig_sci 1.21 Studios Website: 1.21studios.com Facebook page, search for “Obsessive Comics Disorder”