Obsessive Comics Disorder #23: "Where Chris defends Batman Forever"

Yes, you read that right, in this episode Chris talks about why Batman Forever is a guilty pleasure of his.  We've also got plenty of digital and paper comics to talk about, and we've still got a contest going on!  We've had a few entries, but there is still time to enter for the polybagged Fantastic Four #587 by sending us an email with a comment/question! Digital Ink: Chris: Morning Glories #1 (Free, Image Comics App) Cathi: Beginnings, by Raina Telgemeier (free: http://goraina.com/webcomics/beginnings.html )

Comics in Motion: Batman Forever

Off The Shelf: Pick o' the Week: (Cathi) Detective Comics, #873. The Black Mirror, #3 of 3. (Chris) Green Lantern #62 Batman #707

Fables, #102. When Things are Darkest, We Need a Super Team, #1 of 5 DMZ #62. Free States Rising

Amazing Spider-Man #654.1 Brightest Day #20 Green Lantern Corps #57

Phone Number: (260) 782-4623 / (260) 782-4OCD Email: ocdcast@gmail.com Website: ocdcast.com iOS/Android App, search iTunes/Google Marketplace for “Obsessive Comics Disorder” twitter.com/ChrisTheProf twitter.com/cathig_sci 1.21 Studios Website: 1.21studios.com Facebook page, search for “1.21 Studios”