Obsessive Comics Disorder #14: "WBR - Watch Batman Return"

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry there was no show last week--at least there was not one published. I ran into some problems with the recording of last week's show so I tossed it out. This week, however, I asked Erik Fisher from wellnessbreakradio.com and the former WBR Show to come on the show and talk all about Batman. Recently, I found out that Erik is about as big of a Batman fan as I am, so we spend this (super-sized) episode talking about what Batman has been up to recently, try and figure out some of the clues Grant Morrison placed for us, and discuss what we hope to see in the next year or so from the Bat-crew. Thanks again to Erik for coming onto the show!
*Image taken from http://www.wallpaperbase.com
Got a comics question? Send it to me, and I'll answer it on the next episode!
Phone Number: (260) 782-4623 / (260) 782-4OCD
Email: ocdcast@gmail.com
Website: ocdcast.com
Twitter: twitter.com/ChrisTheProf
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