Obsessive Comics Disorder #12: "The Winning Dead"

Hey guys! This week's show is a little different, as I'm playing around with the content of the show and trying to improve upon it (let me know what you think). We've got some new segments and information along with some news highlights. The biggest news is that next week's show is going to be a live show! Next Thursday, 11/11/10 (Veteran's Day), I'll be recording OCD live at 10:00 pm EST. If you want to join me, all you have to do is visit http://1.21studios.com/live (blog post with all these details to follow soon).

Digital Freebees (Free digital comics): DC - Starcraft #1, Blackest Night #0, Bruce Wayne - The Road Home: Sampler Marvel - November Sneak Peeks #1, Dark Avengers #1, Thor: Son of Asgard #1 Image - Chew #1, Invincible #1 The Walking Dead - The Walking Dead #1

Comics on Screen (Comics in other media): The Walking Dead AMC, Sunday Nights @ 10:00 pm EST Also available in iTunes

Off The Shelf (This week in comics): Superman: Earth One

DC: Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Oracle & Ra’s al Ghul Batman: Hidden Treasures Detective Comics #870 Time Masters: Vanishing Point #4

Marvel: Amazing Spider-Man #646 Avengers #6 Captain America #611

Don't forget to send me your questions!

Phone Number: (260) 782-4623 / (260) 782-4OCD Email: ocdcast@gmail.com Website: ocdcast.com 1.21 Studios Website: 1.21studios.com Twitter: twitter.com/ChrisTheProf Facebook page, search for “1.21 Studios” iOS App, search iTunes for “Obsessive Comics Disorder”

*Image courtesy of http://www.tvopi.com