"Buffy The Dolphin Slayer" - Obsessive Comics Disorder #72

Welcome to 2015: The year of Back to the Future jokes! We both had joyous holidays and hope that you all did as well, but we are back and ready to talk about The Interview, why a dolphin beats Buffy in a giant mech, and much more!

This year is also the year that we return to video and live streaming!  Catch us "every" Sunday at 7pm-ish Eastern Time (Hey, I'm trying my best here....check the Twitter and Facebook pages for the latest information).

If you'd like to comment or contribute to the show, send us an email at feedback@ocdcast.com. You can also talk to us online, I'm @ChrisTheProf on twitter and Philip is @Philip_OCD. You can also follow us on facebook at facebook.com/obsessivecomicsdisorder. The background music in this episode was composed by Andrew Allen and can be found on his CD's "Free Play" and "Smooth Federation" - thanks for letting us play them on the show! Check out ocdcast.com for other great stuff, including my tabletop gaming podcast "Boards & Swords".