Obsessive Comics Disorder #9: “Comics catch-up”

Theres a lot to review this week as I catch up on some of the comics that have come out over the past two weeks.  Before that, though, I spend some time talking about "must see" movies/tv shows/video games for those that want to call themselves a "comic book fan". Send me your questions and hear them answered on the show!!

Email: ocdcast@gmail.com Podcast Website: http://ocdcast.com 1.21 Studios Website: http://1point21studios.com Twitter:  http://twitter.com/ChrisTheProf Digg:  http://digg.com/ChrisTheProf

Download the OCD iPhone app!  http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/obsessive-comic-disorder/id386364283?mt=8

This Week in Comics:

DC Comics Batman #703 Batman and Robin #14 Batman Beyond #4 Birds of Prey #5 Brightest Day #10 Green Lantern #57 Red Robin #16

Vertigo Comics Joe the Barbarian #7

Marvel Comics Amazing Spider-Man #641 Amazing Spider-Man #642 Amazing Spider-Man #643 The Invincible Iron Man #30 Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #3