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Relative Dimensions #7: "Captivated By Captain America"

As DrQuest would say it "This week we get to review a GOOD movie".  That's right folks, its time to talk about Captain America: The First Avenger and what we thought of the movie, and to do so we brought in none other than John Steinklauber from Nobody's Listening (and all the voiceover work for the show)!  Take a listen as we have an awesome time talking about this great movie.

Thanks to MapHook at for sponsoring this episode!

Intro (What have we been watching)

"Trailer Talk"

Amazing Spider-Man

Contagion Christmas

The Main Event

Captain America: The First Avenger

Email: Website: “Our theme music is ‘L3’ by Skyhawk from his album ‘Function’, which you can find on iTunes”.