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"Christmas Spirit Level = ~0" - In The Knerd

Over the past couple of days, I've been noticing more and more people talking about how they are gearing up for the holidays. Theres been many traditions, shopping, having parties, etc. And it's all been bumming me out.

I've been so busy these past couple of weeks that I've hardly had time to breathe. Between traveling for work, doing my regular work, studying and taking exams, this has been one of the most stressful Christmas seasons that I've been through in quite a while. I haven't even been able to play much cataclysm yet. I've had it for like a week and a half and I've maybe played it a total of 3 hours since then. Hopefully, in the next couple of days things will start to calm down but by that time it will already be Christmas and I will have not gotten to really enjoy the holiday spirit.

Do any of you guys have any tips? Any ways I could try and enjoy this time of year in amongst all the crap I've got going on? Leave me a comment below or send me a twitter message @ChrisTheProf.